The weeks pass and we are still in lockdown. There has been no abatement to the onslaught of this deadly virus and no sign of a way out any time soon. While the suffering and grief continue and we learn to adapt to our changed circumstances, working out how to live so differently, every day we bear witness to incredible acts of selflessness, bravery and determination.
People we didn’t realise we rely on, people we have taken for granted for far too long:
Health care professionals – doctors and nurses; hospital support staff; the carers; the educators; sanitation, postal & delivery workers; food providers… The list goes on.
Every Thursday at 8pm, emerging briefly from our places of self-isolation, as a nation together, we thank the NHS for everything it has done, everything it does and everything it will continue to do in the face of huge adversity.
We also thank everyone of you, the ones who really keep our country running.
Thank you all.
Thank the Heroes
Another day in isolation
At home with loved ones or alone
Our main form of communication
Is now the internet or phone
Vital technological lifelines
Bridge the distance we all now feel
Allowing much needed contact time
And the chances to keep it real
Not just talk but to see each other
Face to face though so far apart
On the front line or under cover
We were together from the start
All through this pandemic’s destruction
The majority does its best
Heroes rise to meet the infection
Fighting it daily without rest
People coming from all walks of life
Pulling towards the common goal
Helping others in desperate plight
By taking on amazing roles
Putting at risk their very own lives
Despite the lack of PPE
Caring enough to help us survive
Everybody, you and me
So, we clap our hands – we owe so much
To people we might never know
It is amazing that there are such
And it is to them our thanks go
Thank you for being amazing souls
Thank you for all the things you do
We thank you as one and as a whole
Life’s for living because of you.